once again not an opinion it is a fact, NOBODY WILL LEAVE GAMEBATTLES FOR A DIFFERENT GAMING SITE.
Not True.
Game-battles is becoming more out dated each time a new game comes out.
For Example, the new Elite Site.... Tons of players setting up their own Tournaments and Teams.
You ask anyone now a days in a lobby if they play GB, they will simply say- GB is fucking Gay as fuck.
Then you ask, "Have you ever played GB" They simply respond, "Yeah I Quit after Black Ops came out"
Game Battles maybe holds only a 10th % of Online Gamers. If not even less. It is dropping every year.
MW3 Fucked up with GB.. Custom Class's Yeah that's cool.. "NOT"
The Majority of Players on GB waste their time never getting anywhere. And More and more people are realizing this every day.
Dispute's, Cheating, Ref Favoring.... The list only continues.
Every Day I stumble on a New Team Ladder site that holds Competitions and Tournaments. This showing "PLAYERS" are starting to realize they can do it them selfs and not have to regulate with Game Battle's.
Soon enough there will be someone that is going to make a bad ass site, and get it established enough to start hosting Events and eventually over take GB.
Shit, When I went back to KOII after leaving DM the Top HQ team in the Nation plus ranked 3rd in 2011 on GB hosted a 32 team Event and we all won Massive MX points for each player on the team..
Stuff like this is going to over take GB and they will eventually either have to change or will be forgotten about.