
  1. DM Tom

    What You Guys Think About Black Ops?

    Hey guys, I am going to buy Black Ops friday. Is it worth to buy it?
  2. V

    Black Ops Zombie Marathon (360)

    Well I just found out for sure that zombies are going to be in Black Ops. Wasn't sure I was gonna get the game but since there are zombies, you know I have to now. If zombie mode is unlocked right off the bat you know I'll be in there taking scalps left and right and would love it if I had some...
  3. OUTL4W

    15th prestige level hack in black ops...

    Thought this deserved it's own thread... With videos like this popping up.....the community is all up in arms: 7lyUWhdrz38 Which is only possible in system link I beleive.....along with the care package glitch. here is what vahn had to say over at the official cod forums: Via...
  4. DM xDarkKx

    For Fun:When you get black ops you will???

    Well this thread is about what your gonna do when you get Black Ops? Well i'll start, When I get black ops I will go on combat training then go finish 1 campaign mission then go on multiplayer and pwn some people or just get owned by the DM PS3 TEAM :O
  5. DM Andy Rosas ♛

    Black Ops livestream

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VktFr7VENq8&feature=sub Click the link from that or....http://www.ustream.tv/channel/lg-t Im not gonna watch it but just for those die hard fans like Mexi....
  6. DM xDarkKx

    Black Ops Quickscoping Discussion

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EHoU0Y4p80 Proves all of it <.<...Its quickscoping but it looks hell of harder than MW2 Quickscoping. Here's a video of the quickscoping difference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MmjwDoZCdw&feature=related Black ops QSing takes 00:00:01;16 While MW2...
  7. DM xDarkKx

    The Online Gamer:Black ops!

    Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1zUoK1f6ag&feature=related Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKO6rokBrgY This is fucking making me laugh since this morning LOOOL.
  8. OUTL4W

    Dolphin Divin' in Black ops discussion

    personally I like they made it this way. Now it's only useable for defensive purposes, diving behind cover and such. I couldn't stand those lil bitches. This vid is the orginal multiplayer vid only slowed down to show details. vZ5c90MtgXs On a side not 1 more day till moh....Which I'm...
  9. OUTL4W

    Shotguns in black ops

    Well not sure if anyone else saw this but here's a vid of theater mode. Watch the end and give me your impression. My impression....WTF. NrKrjNsTMWU ::blunt
  10. DM Viktomize

    Information on Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    Copy and Pasted from the Official Black Ops site. I'm not sure if this information is 100% Accurate. It seems like it is though. FAQ SECTION Q: Will there be/Is there a beta? A: No, unfortunately there will be no public beta. Treyarch has confirmed that they are only doing an internal beta...
  11. Night_Raven-_-

    Black Ops Multiplayer Full Reveal

    I bet you guys are like, dude wheres the fucking video?? Well the reveal dosent start till 6pm pacific . Its not a public event, so only press will be there. If you have checked JD_2020's twitter you should already know this. JD_2020 said that while the reveal is happening he or someone will be...
  12. OUTL4W

    Clue to Black Ops Beta?

    Could this be hinting at a beta? Just go to register on the official COD forums and this is a list of benefits. * Exclusive Offer: Register and immediately receive Call of Duty: Black Ops Wallpaper * Become an insider to receive news before it hits * First access to extended cuts...
  13. Night_Raven-_-

    Call of Duty Black ops Online Gameplay

    The online looks great.The gameplay nd graphics look so real. This game is gunna pwn. online gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcE8POEp2h0
  14. PaNdAmOnIoM

    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Hey i was just wondering who is gunna be on the Black Ops team and who the leader is gunna be. If someone could inform me that would be great because i will want to try out for DM if you branch to Black Ops.
  15. DM firevice


    Yup, you heard it here first CHECK IT OUT http://www.callofduty.com/hub