If you use a headset....now you can show it....goto Edit profile details @ bottom of page you will see a dropdown list and images of different headsets...
pick your relevant one..if you don't see it ask for it in this thread. The image will show in your "user info" under your avi to the...
Now that the next gen consoles have been released with each gaming network(XBL, PSN & Steam) having 2 console's, the existing gaming networks mod only shows our network but doesn't indicate the specific console we game on. This will.
I set this up pretty much the same as the headset deal...
All Founding Members can change their own user names. Allowed only 1 name change every 6days. Simply goto your account details and:
change to your desired name. Not too vulgar, please...
If wanting to add a custom cover image to your profile and if you have permissions can be accomplished by simply clicking on the avatar drop down menu above and selecting "upload new cover"...shouldn't be able to miss it...just look for the bong icon.
you can upload 5 images to your profile...
If you like to keep up-to-date on all the latest CoD news and leaks, or discuss the next CoD title, perhaps stream your game, or even maybe post a recruitment thread for your Team, CoDwarfare is the place for you!
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