Now that the next gen consoles have been released with each gaming network(XBL, PSN & Steam) having 2 console's, the existing gaming networks mod only shows our network but doesn't indicate the specific console we game on. This will.
I set this up pretty much the same as the headset deal....
goto your edit details page and scroll down all the way to bottom and now you will see choices for:
Just choose your primary console & the image will show in your "user info" under your avi to the left by simply selecting the "v" image under your name. They will also appear on your profile page and member card popup, when hovering your mouse over image will show name.
I set this up pretty much the same as the headset deal....
goto your edit details page and scroll down all the way to bottom and now you will see choices for:
Just choose your primary console & the image will show in your "user info" under your avi to the left by simply selecting the "v" image under your name. They will also appear on your profile page and member card popup, when hovering your mouse over image will show name.