So last night a few DMs got together and decided to make a Troll Squad. It was really fun and we should keep doing it. There were definitely times where it got lame because we would get separated and wrecked really bad (I was guilty of getting too aggressive at times and breaking off from the group).
Check out this vid I think that akimbo fmg swap is an awesome idea.
I had a smaw as my secondary and it was nice when I was above or below an enemy, but useless any other time, so Ill try the fmgs.
Our class was as follows:
Riot shield
throwing knife
blind eye (with fmgs: maybe soh)
assassin/blast shield
dead silence
care package trap
recon drone
Its really fun when you have a whole team doing this, ppl rage.
Suggestions for future trolling?
Check out this vid I think that akimbo fmg swap is an awesome idea.
I had a smaw as my secondary and it was nice when I was above or below an enemy, but useless any other time, so Ill try the fmgs.
Our class was as follows:
Riot shield
throwing knife
blind eye (with fmgs: maybe soh)
assassin/blast shield
dead silence
care package trap
recon drone
Its really fun when you have a whole team doing this, ppl rage.
Suggestions for future trolling?