i want to see legit photos not some photoshoped bullshit. i watched that vid nuke posted, they used the same photo that they used last apparently when he was pronouced dead they just photoshoped it. ya get the fuck outa here. then you dump him in the sea? what did we do with sadam's body, put his ass to the chair. i don't see us dumping his ass over sea, but we do it to bin laden ya i don't think so. i want to see legit pictures no some bullshit, or videos that could have just taken in the ghetto with a bunch of foreigners speaking different languages to make it seem like the combine he was supposedly in. i hope his ass makes a video saying im still alive and he has seen everything that has been going on in the past couple days then obama would look like a true dipshit
The reason Saddam was hung is because the US turned him over to the Iraqi people. They gave him a trial and executed him according to their law.
We could'nt do the same with Bin Laden, no government would've taken him. He doesn't really have a nationality; the Saudi's definitely wouldn't have been willing to take him.
And I'm sure the SEALS would've loved to take him alive, but Osama resisted. This isn't Call of Duty, you can't take many chances in real life. The SEALs were threatened, so they were forced to kill him.
and really? You guys honestly think this is all fake?
Think about it. You REALLY think the Obama administration would've faked this whole thing?
You think the Obama administration would fake Bin Laden's death while KNOWING that theres a huge chance that he will show up on the news the next day? Theres no way they would be able to get away with that, and they KNOW that.
Come on, you guys are a bit smarter than that.