360 Help!



I like it in the ass!
Console: Headset:
yo u fucking faggot get off this site. First u tell us we dont have a life but u base ur life on rpgs, mohh and calling people faggots. Thats a good life there. Also, u really think MM cares what u say???? He makes over 150k a year and has a wife and kids which fucking love him need not more to say with their awesome videos and you need to get a reality check, u think u can call me retarted when i said the penis joke and sayed i had torrets but u didnt even know what torrets is so stfu and whateverclan+binladen or whateverclan+hussein is an awesome name. I want to be just like a fucking terrorist u peice of shit. Go to school, keep watching that porno and jerk off and get of mohh cuz that game obviously has ruined ur life and i dare u to reply to this comment because i will flame u more.


ok here we go.

1. i quit mohh.

2. i don't watch porn.

3.im sorry i actually have humor, if u actually have friends ull understand humor isn't a serious scary thing ur viewing it as.

4. yeah, i actually am good at RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades). Just like your good at suxing dick, whats your point?

Get pwned by a jocky u nerdy gamer

DM DHomeboy

The King. 普
Console: Headset:
Dude....STFU. Do you not have any fucking sense?!!?!? Can't you see your not wanted here kid? GTFO and just in case your dipshit ass does not get it GET THE FUCK OUT... I swear your like those stray dogs and bitches...once u give em sumfin good they come back 4 more....no wunder your name is fucking doggy....LMFAO and don't you dare say you have a life and you use PWNED in a regular sentence, and what was that??? Did you say Jocky?! Damn Kid they got you on lock huh? Ok lmfao wut twisted world do u live in eh? so lets get started.

1. Yea u quit Mohh. GOOD RIDDENCE AND GTFO

2. I guess its not porn 2 u if ya watch it all day....its life DICKHEAD.

3. Hell NO u not fucking funny are any of us in here loling with you or at you because ur demeanor is so fucking pitiful.

4. Being good at RPG isn't the only thing ur good at...did u add pest to ur list? I'm sure Blaze gets more pussy than you get your mom's titty milk KID

5. Your SAD kid.....I don't have any remorse for you Bitch and i hope BLAZER Flames the shit outta you. KID...you're pitiful.

Blaze your turn :D

DM Blazer

Founding Member
Console: Headset:
ok here we go.

1. i quit mohh.

2. i don't watch porn.

3.im sorry i actually have humor, if u actually have friends ull understand humor isn't a serious scary thing ur viewing it as.

4. yeah, i actually am good at RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades). Just like your good at suxing dick, whats your point?

Get pwned by a jocky u nerdy gamer

LMAO like i believe u dont play mohh1 haha u play mohh1 all day

Ur humor is crap because u base everything on mohh RPGs and terrorists

Hmmmm RPG= a big round thing that shoots something at the end and has white stuff coming out of it but ur good at RPG's and not dick sucking. Ok u are obviously in middle school because you have the worst comebacks and do not make sence half the time.

U are a jockey? thats cool how bout u show me a pic or gtfo and how do u know i am a nerd? You do know nerds make money when they are older and make drop outs like u wash their ass for them.

Maybe u should just use 5 minutes of ur retarded thoughts to think of ur life and how bad u compare it to others. You actually think i am scared off u cuz u call me a nerd which you have no proof of and u call urself a jockey which is a person who races horses but yet i forgot u are retarded, u mean u think u are a "jock" which i highly doubt. so go read a book before ur mom grounds you.


DM Blazer

Founding Member
Console: Headset:
Hi Im doggy i like RPG's that resemble a penis and i like to act tough on the internet. I have torrets and i dropped out of middle school because i rather play mohh and go " YES IM NUMBER 1 on TEH S3RVER!!!!!!, I just pwned u nerd im a jockey!