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  1. DM ViSiioNaRY


    I've been good, quit gaming decided it was taking too much of my time, way better things to do out there with that time. I think i'll be getting the ps4 to play with friends so maybe see you guys on there sometime. And hey cpt, lol i dont think i'll be getting a new xbox, maybe though just to...
  2. DM ViSiioNaRY


    Hey how is everyone, its been a while
  3. DM ViSiioNaRY

    say something about the person above you!

    Is a probably a pretty beast commander for his game even though not alot of people realize that here
  4. DM ViSiioNaRY

    its been a while

    Are you actually 22 ? try Mp3Rocket, for video downloads.
  5. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Probllem of mine ;)

    was she even worth i though ?.. lol. post a pic of her if you can
  6. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Official PS Vita Member List

    this. or maybe il just keep saving up for a car...
  7. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Probllem of mine ;)

    right ?.. so she went from wanting to fuck your brother, to your best friend ?
  8. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Our DM Clan is Fake :O

    what happens in march 2067 ? and reading that post made me kinda sad at how bad some people fail at life.
  9. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Probllem of mine ;)

    haha lmao. so wait... whatd you eventually do lol ???
  10. DM ViSiioNaRY

    True Parenting

    MM's right, we cant really judge parenting till we have kids of our own, and its no ones business how parents raise their kids
  11. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Twitter names?

    Lmao wow
  12. DM ViSiioNaRY

    UNIT 13 PS Vita

    People give a fuck about PSN trophies ?..
  13. DM ViSiioNaRY

    UNIT 13 PS Vita

    Lmao just found out this game wont have actualy Multiplayer for it... except some leaderboard ranking bullshit and co-op. so that leaves waiting for resistance ?.. which comes out on 5-29-12 wow.
  14. DM ViSiioNaRY

    The Twitter thread.

    LMFAO !!! wow haha
  15. DM ViSiioNaRY

    True Parenting

    Yeah i support the dad but he could of dealt with the situation more maturely
  16. DM ViSiioNaRY

    say something about the person above you!

    Likes fried chicken
  17. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Twitter names?

    Follow some friends.
  18. DM ViSiioNaRY

    How will you spend your Mardi Gras?

    excuse me for not knowing some random ass celebration that no one gives a fuck about.
  19. DM ViSiioNaRY

    How will you spend your Mardi Gras?

    What's maRdi grass ?
  20. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Banned on GB

    Lol pissed of raiders fan ftw