deads you played with lethalskill yet?
umm..i believe so -_-est=GMT-5???
Yes it was me. Friday and saturday are both good for me. I want a 3vs3. 4vs4 is too laggy. I want Me Marine and RC. If RC isn't there I want Raid. About the times, I live in Europe so I dont know all you times XD. I know im 6 hours in front of Marine. Are you est Marine?
alright 3 pm est!
Marine and RC? thats ok. Thats 8 PM ur time RC.
no worries,its on saturday lolif its Satz yeah,if its weekdays no cuz my bus drop me off at 4:00 -__-est
maybe it did, maybe it didnt, but the important thing is for you guyz to have fun during the war and a little rivalry wouldnt hurtumm......?
im hopeing that didnt mean anything bad....