YES SIR. REMANE da fckin post
YES SIR. REMANE da fckin post
I have this feeling if you went up against someone who still played, not someone who hadn't played in a long time, you'd get your ass kicked at least 10-4 or 10-5I tend to agree with you. 9-9 Tie holysheep
thanks for clarifying broI like men.
hold on you REN???????well my OD OwneD and ch4ln54w accounts were both deleted yesterday....
lol..............hold on you REN???????
n00b. ren is OD ShotUp and a million other nameshold on you REN???????
i have more names:doublefuckyou:n00b. ren is OD ShotUp and a million other names
and the power to delete acc with a single hack!i have more names:doublefuckyou:
i dnt have that HacK:rearshock:and the power to delete acc with a single hack!
erryone does now. i got pissed sum1 deleted like 50 pros and released. lolli dnt have that HacK:rearshock: