How to boot someone:
lui t0, $0890 <--Loads first part of vote packet
lw t1, $de88(t0) <--Loads whats in the vote packet address
addiu t2, zero, $0001 <--Loads 1 into t2
add t3, t1, t2 <--Adds the vote packet + 1
mtc1 t3, $f25 <--Moves whats in t3 to $f25
mov.s $f31, $f25 <--Moves whats in $f25 to $f31
swc1 $f31, $de88(t0) <--Stores whats in $f31 to the vote packet.
jr ra
an example from ftb2, hence just take any (real fnc) function and corrupt the packet. Corruption of a packet will corrupt the data being echo'd between the sending and receiving functions.
This is my spam.