Sword of the Stars: Ground Pounders announced for 2013 release


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Story by Brenna Hillier

Wed, Aug 14, 2013 | 03:40 BST
Space 4X series Sword of the Stars has spawned another genre-defying spin-off: Ground Pounders, a turn-based strategy about the titular land units.

Inspired by games like Panzer General, Sword of the Stars: Ground Pounders hoped to offer “an updated taste of turn-based warfare”.
Players will control one of a choice of three factions of “several dozen of types of units” across three campaigns on a variety of worlds, carrying unit progress through each. Successful assaults unlock action cards which can be used to customise troops with unique effects, which can then be used in single-player or in cross-platform multiplayer.
The game is currently in alpha, with a demo available, but Kerberos is hoping to crowdfund the remaining development time, as it did with previous Sword of the Stars spin-off The Pit. Details of the crowdfunding platform have not yet been released, nor do we know which platforms the finished game will grace beyond PC, but Kerberos said the strategy game will launch this year.
Here’s the official blurb:

  • Control one of three armies – Human, Tarka, and Hivers
  • 80+ units covering land, sea, and air
  • Battle across alien worlds on exotic battlefields, including airless moons, lava plains, and meteor blasted wastelands
  • Seize orbital superiority and call down bombardments on your foes
  • Build airfields, fortify areas, and repair or destroy bridges
  • Improve your unit’s experience and abilities over three campaigns
  • Unlock and collect combat cards for each race.
  • Build unique decks and even tune them for specific battles
  • Dozens of scenarios to play in skirmish mode or cross-platform multiplayer
  • Scenario and unit editors will allow players to create and trade battles
  • SotSdex filled with lore details on famous units, personalities, battles and weapon systems
