lol atv i am disqualifying my bro kevs team , sorry bro ba i noe u and dat ur team won't be able to make it and i am changing the semifinals round into an all or nothing(3 series round) so that it is fair for alll of us and that the pornstar team does not just automatically make it into the finals.So an all r nothing round means that the three semifinalist willl face each other.meaning pornstars will face ownage and elitekillers , elitekillers will face ownage and pornstars, ownage will face elitekillers and pornstars. the two teams wif the highest win record and lowest lost record will make it to the championship gm , also the team wif the lowest wins and most loses will place thrid in the overall tournament...well i hope this is not confusing so i want everyone on tom ty so we can rap is tourny up and congrads to alll my semi finalist