Don't rely on me for quite some time for GBs and stuff. I got home today and I've been looking up ways to fix the DNS error: 80710102. So far, I've read about 6 fixes, none of which have solved the problem. The problem is in my router and PS3 connection and communication and I'll be calling Sony and Comcast tomorrow to fix it. I doubt they'll do a thing because I've tried their fixes as well... It won't even sign in and if, by some chance, I do sign in, it'll log me off in about 10 seconds.
Until I get this fixed, I'll be trophy hunting offline for a bit... maybe even go out and buy MGS1/2/3. Just beat Peace Walker =) Damn awesome game!
Until I get this fixed, I'll be trophy hunting offline for a bit... maybe even go out and buy MGS1/2/3. Just beat Peace Walker =) Damn awesome game!