Re: Delete Me Off dis site i get banned 4 joking, aint no point being in a clan like
no tox a true clan dont banned members 4 joking, fuck u u nvr changed ur still gay, n Tor n BAT u guys fuckin sux w/o cfw wen u had ovr clock u pwnd but playn wit true skill u guys suxd i pwnd u both so bad
read my reply to your convo on my youtube channed.
"fun fact here. overclock means that your psp runs at 333 cpu speed. the phats and slims run at 222. by the time the 3000 came around, sony noticed their mistake and the 3000 runs at 333. so russel, you are actually overclocking. lmao.
fact is, i cant play right on ofw cuz my analog stick doesnt work. there is a plugin called joysens that edits the senstivity etc, fixing my analog stick. it obviously doesnt work on ofw. so i cant move."
but seriously. look. if you gonna cuss out an admin no shit u gonna get banned. you wouldnt do that on rr. there a diff. between cussin sumone out and messin around. i would think that a mature adult like mm can figure that out a lot better than you.
i will not say i am disappointed. i am just not surprised. i did not want you back in. u try to find stupid ass reasons to quit. last time it was cuz i banned the people on my roster from using rpg (oh no!).
good riddance russ. :doublefuckyou: