Contrast trailer wows with swing soundtrack, drips atmosphere


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Story by Brenna Hillier

Thu, Aug 15, 2013 | 00:52 BST
There is so much to like in this trailer for Contrast that we’re probably going to need bullet points. Check out Compulsion Games’ gorgeous new adventure through the break.
Contrast stars a young girl named Didi whose parents have separated. Keen to get them back together, she sets off on an adventure with Dawn, her imaginary friend, who seemingly has the power to traverse shadows.
What results is a platformer some puzzle elements, all wrapped in an absolutely ballin’ vintage European cabaret aesthetic which the strains of Cissie Redgwick’s Gimme That Swing perfectly captures.
The game will be on show at PAX Prime and Gamescom, and is headed to PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 via digital distribution thanks to Focus. It has not been dated.
