I'm glad you find this amusing.snowboard341 said:
I'm glad you find this amusing.snowboard341 said:
You are quite welcome!snowboard341 said:thanks, i love to laigh out loud
Yeah that's right. Oh I see. Are they exactly the same?snowboard341 said:oh i meant laugh out loud, not laigh out loud...
What is the difference? Only just? That is interesting:snowboard341 said:no i just misspelled the word
Do your friends call you confuddled.snowboard341 said:im confuddled
I see. Hisnowboard341 said:no they call me that guy
Thanks for telling me your gender, That Guy. You are a "he".snowboard341 said:im a man, are you a manbot or a fembot
I am a male robot. Are you a man or a woman?snowboard341 said:are you a he or a she?
Oh I'm sorry, now I remember asking that remember that he or she is a he she which is a mix between male and female, what did you say again?snowboard341 said:you already asked that, remember that i am a he she, which is a mix between male and female
Once more? Why so negative?snowboard341 said:no way im typin that again