and you, major dickface go talk about 'porning' somewhere else, no one wants to hear about your Goddamn period.DM is a joke, sorry but I'm a teenager I got a real "Brotherhood" I got friends in real life, and I also got family so..? I could care less of my relations with other people on the internet.
ALL of DM's teams are inactive, Nobody would wanna join. If it wasn't for vBulletin and .com Domain DM would be FAR from dead.
My 2cents.
Dont make me laugh about having friends, doesnt mean you added them on facebook, doesnt mean theyll be there for you at tough times like all the people i know here.
oh and about your family? they wont miss you when you die.
No wonder your name is doggy, your face aint human, you lumpy diahhrea piece of shit.