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    What will you Play!?!?!?

    Hey guys i just wanted to know what people Will be playing when the MOH:H, MOH:H2 SERVERS go down. Me personally i wont be quitting the MOHH Scene i will be playing MOH:A , FTB2 , H3. How about you guys?
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    COD5 play Times(PS3)

    I need to know your guys time, cuz I want to try Zombie Mode with you guys. Mine is on week days: 8:00PM-10:00PM and on weekends it is random
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    which mohh should i play?

    k well i finaly got a new psp screen so in a week when it gets shipped ill be back to an mohh i wondered wich mohh 1 or 2 should i spend the majority of time on.
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    Monitor to play Xbox on?

    Hey guys, Lately I've been getting really frustrated with my TV. It's really really old so basically it's so old the screen is warped. So I need a new one...which is obvious...until I discovered that some PC monitors have HDMI plugs in the back of them. What monitor would you recommend? I'm...
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    HOW DID You create your name that you have for w/e game u play?

    well this is a thread were you can share how u decide to use w/e name u got for mohh n shit. ill start: my first account was AEagle because yea i am a prep and so i made L33T aeagle which was a gay clan i made way back when. it was funny cuz people would call me a fcking prep. so my name was...
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    game you play

    socom mohh mohh2 cod4 halo3
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    What Game Do U Play Most?!?!??

    Well I Was Just Wondering Hwat Game That U Represent Dm Or Play The Most In? Just Wanna C Were Most Ppl R In
  8. OUTL4W

    Demon King Game Play Videos

    OTna8UcD6t4 qXe-EjpwMSs BuGWJ0Xu_sA