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  1. PaNdAmOnIoM

    PaNdAmOnIoM App, MW2::PS3

    Yes i would like to apply for DM in MW2 for the PS3. I play pretty often and I am not a tryhard. I do pretty good, not the best. I have some stuff on youtube, ill post later. anyway heres some stats? AWSOMEEE! PSN: iLLuMiiNaTe Kills: 7851 Deaths: 8781 K/D: 0.89 Accuracy: 17.90% Wins: 311...
  2. PaNdAmOnIoM

    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Hey i was just wondering who is gunna be on the Black Ops team and who the leader is gunna be. If someone could inform me that would be great because i will want to try out for DM if you branch to Black Ops.
  3. PaNdAmOnIoM

    MW2 Classes

    Hey I'm looking for a good class for TDM and S&D and i need your opinions. anyone have a good class they use in either please tell me. My PSN is my username here. feel free to add me -PaNdAmOnIoM
  4. PaNdAmOnIoM


    i got my ps3 and modern warfare 2... add me PaNdAmOnIoM
  5. PaNdAmOnIoM


    iight im new to ps3 and im not to MW2. im on like an average person and im just lookin for people to play with... i have no psn yet but when i do ill ad you guys. just post ur psn gamertags. cool ::blunt -PaNdAmOnIoM
  6. PaNdAmOnIoM


    :dry: WAZA it PaNdAmOnIoM. PlZ LeT Me JoIn DM. I HaVe KnOwN ThEm SiNcE ThEy StArTeD On MOH:H1. I KnOw u GuYs AnD HaVe BeEn AsKiN To JoIn DM FoR a WhIlE. I HaVe BeEn To 15 TrYoUtS. PlZ ReAd ThIs AnD EvEryThInG ElSe:annoyed:
  7. PaNdAmOnIoM


    WAZA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok plz read my tryout ___________________________________
  8. PaNdAmOnIoM

    PaNdAmOnIoM TrYz

    hola it PaNdAmOnIoM, and i wanted to tryout for DM. I wanted to be in DM since MOH 1 came out. i have an account ranked 1045 in MOH1 and 200 on MOH2. I new to FTB2. uhm thank you for reading my app and pCe.