Search results

  1. DM Toonaami

    Halo 4 Early

  2. DM Toonaami

    Happy Birthday Fash

    Happy birthday! Get some pussy! er wait...dick... yeah.
  3. DM Toonaami

    banned xbox on xbl

    I wouldnt, when your banned its a console ban and you either have to use some hardcore hacks to unban or replace the motherboard because its console banned.
  4. DM Toonaami

    What do you love?

    Pretty simple. Everyone says something they love. I love food.
  5. DM Toonaami


    Going to a party on teus and going to get facked up
  6. DM Toonaami

    PS3 Black Ops 2 Commander

    Is going to be hunt3r. He has demonstrated skill and leadership in past games (MW3, FTB3). He has a plethora of GB experience and is not taking this lightly. He has nominated his captain as Bowser which has been approved by Assembly. All future PS3 BO2 questions will be answered by him...
  7. DM Toonaami

    Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

    You mean master queef :D
  8. DM Toonaami

    Sup DM

    Add me on xbox: vToon
  9. DM Toonaami

    Got an xbox

    I traded in a shit load of old games and consoles and I got the halo 4 xbox free with all my credit. It looks so sexy, cant wait till I get it. :) add me if you want vToon
  10. DM Toonaami

    MOH Warfighter

    Halo 4 is two weeks away wait ya scrub :D
  11. DM Toonaami

    MOH Warfighter

    I played the beta it was okay. I am getting Halo4 and BO2 so I dont tihnk ill be playing this game.
  12. DM Toonaami

    Lets Count to 30K!

  13. DM Toonaami

    Black Ops Montage

    Its called "cross zoom"
  14. DM Toonaami

    Black Ops Montage

    UYxUw29OpfU All clips I got in one week. Favorite montage so far I think. :)
  15. DM Toonaami

    Mitt or Obama?

    Its the lesser of two evils.
  16. DM Toonaami

    Mitt or Obama?

    What Morb said. The reason its down is because people gave up on jobs and live on welfare.
  17. DM Toonaami

    Mitt or Obama?

    I don't trust politics at all. Obama is a fucking retard and Romney is just plain weird. The only reason I am voting for Romney is because he is less of a idiot than Obama.
  18. DM Toonaami

    Ashley *High Five*

    Welcome. We like teh women :D
  19. DM Toonaami

    Mitt or Obama?

    They are both idiots (as usual) but Obama is more retarded. So Romney.