Beating Royal in a 1v1. :D I remember talking a little trash to ol nick and him saying that the day I could beat him in a 1v1 would be the day I took his spot as commander. Obviously that didnt happen till a few months later but it was a good start ; )
Flawless game I had.
Damn I miss...
Gun restrictions wont do jack shit. The killer stole the guns. Banning guns will do nothing. People will still get them the way they get drugs. If one teacher in that school actually had a gun, kids woulda seen Christmas.
First off all, this is the first I am hearing anything about PS3 good or bad. Also Hunt3r doesn't play 360 anymore, and hasn't since like the beginning of MW3.
I instructed hunt3r to make a DM team and to have some sort of DM affiliation on it. Most of the DM members are not close to MLG or on...
Den, knock it off, last warning.
Welcome frequence! I myself am on the 360, but i am sure some of the PS3 members would be glad to play with you! Enjoy the forums.
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