Search results

  1. S

    Check me out?

    nice andy, sound more enthusiastic though
  2. S

    DM PS3 Users

    okay im in game atm, i will later
  3. S

    DM PS3 Users

    yes you should, we all DM have mics, its very important, so you can comunicate with others to tell where people are, so yeah buy one
  4. S

    DM PS3 Users

    black ops, socom 4, bf2, etc, add me DM_SiiMKIIN i like to play with you sometime
  5. S


    which search boxx....
  6. S

    say something about the person above you!

    should know he wanted me to go on it
  7. S

    say something about the person above you!

    nub (10 char)
  8. S

    Earthquake on the east coast.

    go away buzzin, 99.9% here dont know you, so you dont start.
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    Earthquake on the east coast.

    which they dont happen in the UK? like once a year nub.
  10. S

    first video game ever played

    first game i played of the earliest pokemon on my gameboy :Simkin:
  11. S

    say something about the person above you!

  12. S

    I hate it.

    i hate it when people come into the SB and just put a full stop and nothing else.
  13. S

    Lets Count to 30K!

    Re: Lets Count to a Million! 20181...miss a couple 1,000,000
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    It's been awhile.

    hahah hello mentalist ;D
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    who you on about con?
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    Good Idea/Bad Idea Game

    bad idea: the porno turns into 2 girls 1 cup. good idea: going on cod.
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    Marcelo is a fucking criminal

    a team isnt a one man team, their is 10 other people in the team, not just him cant win a trophey?
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    Good Idea/Bad Idea Game

    Bad idea: yoga with loads of men instead of women o.o Good idea: going to masturbate
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    So,What's on Your Mind ???

    sheesh you think about aload of things xD
  20. S

    Your First Blaze Experience

    was on my way to soccor practise and my friend saw me and whipped out this fat splif and so i got high before practise xD