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  1. S

    modern warfare 2 in New Jersey

    ahh good i might play mw2 again
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    modern warfare 2 in New Jersey

    go on ebay their some good deals on their...and what patch pat?
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    Got a PSN Question

    lol look right i cant spell. and i think it would..
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    Got a PSN Question

    he borrows it off one of his cyrptite frineds
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    New PsN (Raiden)

    lol why u get banneD?
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    Got a PSN Question

    that is nothing to do on what he said pat...
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    Got a PSN Question

    its on his account so i think so
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    say something about the person above you!

    IS UGLY! wow havnt done thia thread in ages
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    Need a Red Bull X1 in GT5!!

    lol i thought that, also u guys trading or like hacking the game?
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    360/PS3 Black Ops Clip Thread

    hah nice double kill their :P and that kill was beast haha
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    360/PS3 Black Ops Clip Thread

    fuck man tailz ur one sexy guy at cod. i have clips but i cant upload them :S :P
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    A good Laugh

    lol do lmaolmaolmaolmaolmaolmaolmaolmao from detect language to spanish
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    Tryout For Ps3 Team

    dude, i got well better,, if we can find a time wen we both are online and we both can play some matches, then i will glady try out again bro. i play with batty and supa and psy during the day and night in ur time. i went like 36-9 other match, can we try arange another date? ;) :wub:
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    Tryout For Ps3 Team

    lmfao bat u make me laugh :thumbsup:
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    A Guys Prayer

    lmao roy, ima say that..let see what happens ;D
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    lordlander's facebook has been hacked HELP

    or make a new account, with a hot girl flirt with him meet up qith him then BAM destroy his face :)
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    lordlander's facebook has been hacked HELP

    dude just try hack it back...or get all ur freinds lmao