Ok there is some confusion going on
Battalion commander is [white]
>they are in charge of all the system. They are like a branch leader. They can branch into new games with thier permission. they make sure teams are getting the job done on GB's and we are winning 2/3'ds of them. if we dont win most of them then battalion commander has the responsibility to take out Lieutenants and scold them up a lil to get our teams back on their feet.
Battalion psp Battalion xbox 360 Battalion ps3
Lieutenant is [purple]
> they are organizers. they may not be the best but know how to lead. They make the GB teams and set up practices. they make sure that people can play in a GB and the people are going to practices. They also post rosters on the website.
1st sergeant [yellow]
>they are the best players on the team. they are veterans of the team and masters at the game. they know how to lead and are long time dm's. They are pretty much your commanders in battle
sergeants [orange]
> players that have good skill and can lead. they are semi long DM's and can get the job done if needed.
Corporals [light green]
>Good palyers. they are new to the game but not that new to DM.
can get some of the job done.
>private [green]
new recruits. every new recruit is a private at one point. no skipping ranks unless its permitted by battalion which would be very unlikely.
any questions Pm me.
every commender send their roster of people under the new ranks. pick wisely. Send it to royal and no bias picking.
ANyone who has not been picked for a new rank tell me under this thread and ill get a list of people that need new ranks.
Lets cooperate and not Bitch about ranks
Battalion commander is [white]
>they are in charge of all the system. They are like a branch leader. They can branch into new games with thier permission. they make sure teams are getting the job done on GB's and we are winning 2/3'ds of them. if we dont win most of them then battalion commander has the responsibility to take out Lieutenants and scold them up a lil to get our teams back on their feet.
Battalion psp Battalion xbox 360 Battalion ps3
Lieutenant is [purple]
> they are organizers. they may not be the best but know how to lead. They make the GB teams and set up practices. they make sure that people can play in a GB and the people are going to practices. They also post rosters on the website.
1st sergeant [yellow]
>they are the best players on the team. they are veterans of the team and masters at the game. they know how to lead and are long time dm's. They are pretty much your commanders in battle
sergeants [orange]
> players that have good skill and can lead. they are semi long DM's and can get the job done if needed.
Corporals [light green]
>Good palyers. they are new to the game but not that new to DM.
can get some of the job done.
>private [green]
new recruits. every new recruit is a private at one point. no skipping ranks unless its permitted by battalion which would be very unlikely.
any questions Pm me.
every commender send their roster of people under the new ranks. pick wisely. Send it to royal and no bias picking.
ANyone who has not been picked for a new rank tell me under this thread and ill get a list of people that need new ranks.
Lets cooperate and not Bitch about ranks