and if theyre on the same side....
Why is Obama against the war
McCains (sort of) for the war.
Why is Obama against the war
McCains (sort of) for the war.
maybe in the whole world.Lol, you have a point there.But no, more like 2000+ soldiers have died in iraq, not 200+
and if theyre on the same side....
Why is Obama against the war
McCains (sort of) for the war.
you are in afganistan, and there are terroists in Iraq. Why do you think soldiers have died!:O...WRONG,theres no terrorists from Iraq, every single terrorist involved in 911 has from saudi arabia or kuwait or iran or afghanistan, not iraq. Theres rebel forces that swept into iraq from other nations....but theyre not iraqi. So we need to go to other countries suck as afghanistan, not iraq, which is worthless
afghanistan is more peace keeping. Thats why canada is there.
Iraq is to establish a democract, so you can buy their oil again
Umm.....why can't we help to stop at least some murder like the one in Iraq???OH YEAH.....because they have oil.( got that from family guy.) If you say that they had nukes...why didnt we go in germany in WW2???
yea its pretty bad when obama says himself that hes done such a great job in chicago and theres been more murders there than a country where theres a fucking war. thats really bad.Lol, you have a point there.But no, more like 2000+ soldiers have died in iraq, not 200+
i neva sed dey were same side 4 war....i sed dey on same side 4 change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dnt twist it come correct