I agree the democrats did make the mistake on housing regulation but its not my party, im nor Democrat or Republican im Facists JK im Liberal.and chuck. the economy is in the shitter cause of the man that currently oversees the economy and decides whcih ways we spend our money. barney frank. this man NEVER paid his taxes, claiming "well i never knew when they were due cause my wife always took care of them". maybe you should tell your party to grow a pair and walk the walk rather then talk the talk and man up to what they did.
ohhh bai the wai gais. you hear that nice new tape out from 1995 from that "not racist" obama talking about how white folks from the suburbs are too greedy and lazy to help the inner city black children? which isnt true by the way because before the red cross or anyone goes into donate it is in fact people form the suburbs that give what they dont need and starting food drives and such. so obama can stick that one up his ass.
well if you dig in shit deep enough you can be cover it in...