The effects of LSD are highly unpredictable. It causes varying degrees of illusions, hallucinations, disorientation, impaired coordination, higher body temperature, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, tremors, delusions and confusion. It can change the user's sense of time and self, and cause "cross over" between sensations, so that users report they hear colors and see sounds. Such alterations can cause panic. Long term effects may include prolonged depression, anxiety, and flashbacks or HPPD - that is, repeated recurrences of sensory alterations originally produced by the drug."
You srsly just typed 'lsd=bad' on google and ctrl c'd that...
hallucinations are positive. And flashbacks aren't bad. Flashbacks are God's way of saying "this one's on me." Crossover of senses is one of the coolest parts of shrooms and LSD. They say sleeplessness because the drug is 12 hours long, and you don't sleep during that period.
Marijuana has a number of side effects. New users, people using in a new setting, or individuals using marijuana with a high THC level, may experience acute anxiety or have paranoid thoughts. Marijuana causes difficulty with short-term memory. It also tends to distort perceptions, and slows reaction time."
Weed does not effect your memory after you use it, only the day it was used. Want some evidence?
Also, being paranoid is one of the few negative side effects of weed, but it isn't that bad. The only thing I am scared about is the cops and if it was legal there would be no problems...
"mcpopper, u really havent done ur research until u find stats on how these cause death.. cause all those drugs u mention really do.."
That's not ignorant at all? h2o has caused more deaths than marijuana has. Find one death caused by marijuana and I'll say that your not a faggot.
Also, LSD and shrooms have never directly caused a death. Find an instance, and again, you won't be a faggot.
Ares, you know next to nothing yet you act like you are smart. Srsly, I know a lot about shrooms, but everything else is common sense. Why would acid, which is taken by the microgram, kill you?
"mcpopper researches drugs all day, doesn't actually do them.
here's one of my stories.
one time i was thirsty, so i drank soda."
Oh yeah, you got me, I obviously wouldn't have tried a drug along with the other 99% of America that has... It is estimated that 90% of America is addicted to caffeine.
Also, your comment about soda, it would depend on the soda, but that would be such a small dose of caffeine that you should not feel an effect. I try to abstain from caffeine and therefore soda.
I must say, Ares is the most intelligent person on the site since he is able to come to false conclusions and talk about 'funny' experiences that he had with soda. Cooool.