


wats the worst uve done? stories or wateva

1 year an a half ago i was on coke bad....used to steal all sorts of shit frm my house jus 2 buy it an i bought alot lol but i wasnt on my own der was usually a few of us gettin coked of our heads everynight...no i didnt kno it was bad for u at the time an yes it has fuckd me up....lol

weed is fine as long as u can control urself...like some ppl can go mental of it coz they smoke like 40 joints a day coz they depressed as fuck.

alcohol is worse than weed in my opinion tho...not 1 weed death EVER


Halo3 Team
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I've got a lot of expierence with drugs.. right now I only smoke weed.. but if anyone ever has any problems with drugs, you can always pm me and I'll try to help you..

I've taken, weed, xtc, shrooms, acid (lsd), ghb, speed, coke.. and it seems like I'm forgetting something (thats how fucked up my memory is)

so if anyone has some problems, even if you're stuck in a bad trip you can pm me.. I know how much it sucks and how you think at that moment so I might be able to make it a little better

DM OldmanJenkins

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worst i did was i took a clonapin its a pill and it fucks u up... and i smoked dust 1 time but not by choice my blunt was laced but i tell ya i was gone like every1 had an aura around them and i went in the crib and i felt mad lonely so i had to go back to my homeboy house n spend the night.
dust=bugged the fuck out



id neva do extasy since i knew a few ppl who died from it..



extasy puts holes in ur brain
Oh you motherfucker, take that shit back.

I have never done a drug that I regret except for caffeine.

There are NO negative side effects for LSD, shrooms (psilo's not amanitas), weed, salvia, mescaline, or any analogs of those. If someone can find me one horrible life changing effect of any of those drugs, then I will take back my statements, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with those drugs.

Also, ren thats fucked up about the cocaine, if I were you, I would stick to shrooms, or acid if you have no money on you.


Halo3 Team
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Oh you motherfucker, take that shit back.

I have never done a drug that I regret except for caffeine.

There are NO negative side effects for LSD, shrooms (psilo's not amanitas), weed, salvia, mescaline, or any analogs of those. If someone can find me one horrible life changing effect of any of those drugs, then I will take back my statements, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with those drugs.

Also, ren thats fucked up about the cocaine, if I were you, I would stick to shrooms, or acid if you have no money on you.
^ true, you hear a lot of stories about people dieing from LSD, shrooms etc, but thats because they're idiots and they couldn't mentally control it..

Biggest example, some french dude on shrooms jumped of a bridge in amsterdam, now shrooms are illegal to buy in holland.. just cause some idiot couldn't control his trip, probably used it wrong and then shit like this happens.. If you aren't mentally stable or weak, don't do these drugs..

Also, don't fight the trip, it will just make things worse

DM CharlesK

The Senior Elite
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^ true, you hear a lot of stories about people dieing from LSD, shrooms etc, but thats because they're idiots and they couldn't mentally control it..

Biggest example, some french dude on shrooms jumped of a bridge in amsterdam, now shrooms are illegal to buy in holland.. just cause some idiot couldn't control his trip, probably used it wrong and then shit like this happens.. If you aren't mentally stable or weak, don't do these drugs..

Also, don't fight the trip, it will just make things worse
i agree, if you have issues like depression it isnt a really good idea to try to escape your problems cus then youll just get an addiction, because youre always going to wanna escape your problems; hence the addiction.
it's absolutely ok to expirement with weed or psychedelic's if you have no mental problems.

i dont have an extreme story, but i remember i saw a girl who was on E at a concert who started to rub up against everyone in the crowd.
and i remember i went to a party and they had a mountain of coke.

DM Deathrow

<span style="font-weight:bold;color:lime;backgroun
Console: Headset:
Worst ive done is thiz. (thiz is the slang term for E [Yay Area talk])



haha DR did you like E? Most people who do it feel intense spurts of passion towards everyone around.


Halo3 Team
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you want stories? I've got stories :p

So me and a few friends were going out. I already took some E before but few of my friends wanted to try it out too. So the retarted one of my friends goes in search for some E. He came back with 6 pills called pink yodas (translated from dutch, these were most used on extreme hardcore parties) so I knew these were good.. I told my friends, only take 2 and don't drink any alcohol, only water or soda. So me and my friend were just going great while the retarted one went to investigate the place. He came back after a half hour, with 4 more pills. He took them all. I was pissed at him, told him not to drink any alcohol and just go easy, maybe sit down for a while. So he goes off again, I see him buying redbull vodka.. at that point I was like, yeah screw him, I've warned him enough. So he comes to me and starts talking like, the terrorists have the bomb.. then dissapear for 15 minutes, come back and saying the terrorists won (wtf?). Then he came sitting next to us, was pointing at people and saying, what level do you think that guy is? I'mma gonna go and find out.. so he dissapeared again, came back and he lost his cellphone.. so I said, go buy some water, I'll come with you. He goes to the bar and says, water please, the girl brings him water and he's like, goddamn, didn't you hear me? I said red vodka, so the girl is in shock, goes to get the vodka, my friend leaves the money there and forgets the vodka..
Long story short, once we got out, he fainted, we couldnt get him up and I had to go to work, we couldn't leave him since he had no phone and no wallet (he lost that too) so we just called the ambulance.. that was one of the worst nights of my life just cause one guy wouldn't listen and just took things too far

I also have a story about shrooms about the same guy if anyone is interested :p

DM OldmanJenkins

Console: Headset:
Oh you motherfucker, take that shit back.

I have never done a drug that I regret except for caffeine.

There are NO negative side effects for LSD, shrooms (psilo's not amanitas), weed, salvia, mescaline, or any analogs of those. If someone can find me one horrible life changing effect of any of those drugs, then I will take back my statements, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with those drugs.

Also, ren thats fucked up about the cocaine, if I were you, I would stick to shrooms, or acid if you have no money on you.
NO i aint takin shit back its a fact ex puts holes i ur brain little pin holes and not 1 thing u said in that list of drugs was extasy....... wow man u a drugee . keep doin ur shit im pretty sure u believe every drug u do is good for u so keep on keepin on tampon

DM OldmanJenkins

Console: Headset:
:biggrin:Ok maybe i lied...:doublefuckyou:

No drug eats holes into the brain, but many people say that MDMA (ecstasy) does. The myth comes from the fact that MDMA causes serotonin receptors to burn out prematurely, causing them to become "down-regulated", inhibiting their ability to bind to serotonin. This situation is not permanent, however, and receptors can return to normal with time. This is one of the body's natural processes as it tries to regulate horomone levels. See

but im not takin it back cuz u called me a muther fucker



"NO i aint takin shit back its a fact ex puts holes i ur brain little pin holes and not 1 thing u said in that list of drugs was extasy....... wow man u a drugee . keep doin ur shit im pretty sure u believe every drug u do is good for u so keep on keepin on"

I think every drug I do is good for myself? That makes me question as to why I chose to do these drugs and not meth. Maybe it was because I assessed the negatives/positives of each drug and decided which drugs were okay? Nah, can't be that...

"No drug eats holes into the brain, but many people say that MDMA (ecstasy) does. The myth comes from the fact that MDMA causes serotonin receptors to burn out prematurely, causing them to become "down-regulated", inhibiting their ability to bind to serotonin. This situation is not permanent, however, and receptors can return to normal with time. This is one of the body's natural processes as it tries to regulate horomone levels. See

but im not takin it back cuz u called me a muther fucker "

Obviously no drug eats holes in your brain... MDMA does negatively effect your serotonin receptors but there are simple ways to help ease this downside so that it is minimal.

And @BJO, more stories please :thumbsup:


Halo3 Team
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Ok lol :p

So I already took shrooms before, but the retarted friend and another wanted to try it too. So we went to holland, bought some, went back to belgium and into a field outside. So we took them and everything was going fine, it was just like we were in a videogame. But my retarted friend was just to simple to understand what the hell was going on. So we went to town to buy something to drink. I gave him a coke and he started to pour it all over his pants.. He said he forgot what he was supposed to do with it. So we went back to the field cause people were staring at my friend and I didn't want to pull any attention towards us. So he just lays there in the field, his pants all covered in leafes cause they got stuck on his pants cause of the coke. Then he got up and started an arguement with a farmer who was working there.. So we got him out of there and he said, well I thought that he wasn't really there, that I was just imaginating him (wtf?). So he starts totally tripping, didn't believe that we were with him, he thought that he was alone and we were part of his imagination.. So we got tired of hanging out with him, he was just giving us a bad trip with the way he did.. So we dropped him of at his grandfathers and told him to tell them that he was really tired and was going to bed. But guess what? He came inside the house, his grandpa asked him if he would like a glass of milk. Then he started to totally trip out, screaming his grandpa was crazy and went outside to lay on the barbeque in the rain.. for 2 hours..

Well we just dropped him of, so guess from who I know the last part? From his dad who called me a few hours later, screaming at me why I would drug his son and leave him at the door.. So I said, he's drugged, I wasn't there, I just thinks so, ask my aunt. So I gave my aunt on the phone (she always covers for me) and she told him I was home the whole day and didn't leave the house.

So I almost got into trouble cause the idiot couldn't control his trip.. Really, I'm glad I don't hang out with that guy anymore



I bet he enjoyed the trip, it sounds messed up, but I bet he felt amazing rushes of euphoria.

Any stories about LSD or have you ever done DMT? I was thinking about extracting some and I want to hear another positive review of it :D


Halo3 Team
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Well the day after he said it was awesome (in both stories) but he just made it less awesome for us..

Well I hope you want to smoke DMT, not inject it.. I took both (LSD more, DMT once) got small story about LSD but I'll give my revies about DMT now :p

DMT is kinda hard to describe.. You can compare it to a mix of LSD and salvia, the only problem I had with it is that it just takes way to long, with LSD you just get sucked into the trip and you get kinda used to it, but with DMT I was always zooming in and out which kinda sucked.. Also notice that DMT is a dangerous drug (with which I mean you can die from it) but only if you didn't do your research. So if you really want to take this pay attention to not eat anything (there are a few things that mix with it and make it deadly) also don't take any medicine.. If you don't want to take these risks its better to use DPT. I've never used it, but I've heard from friends that it lasts longer, gives a more constant trip and doesn't have as many side effects.

Forgot this part, about the trip itself, it's really relaxing if you can get into it. I probably didn't smoke enough of it, but for the part that I was into it, it was awesome.



No, I would not IM or IV DMT..

Ahh, I hope it isn't like salvia at all, that is horrible. I have so much salvia at my house, I've only done it a few times, yet I hate every experience. It's only fun to talk about what happens.

DMT is my easiest option since I will be able to extract 2.5 grams for 75$ and 50 mg is a large dose.

None of my friends have done DMT, but I thought it would be interesting since DMT(N,N, DMT) is closely related to psilocybin(4-HO-DMT).

I love stories btw, keep posting ;)