It is believed that the young star fell prey to a data breach, leading to her private video going viral on social media. According to a Pakistani publication, Imsha Rehman's video has been A screenshot shared by The Express Tribune showed Ms Rehman's TikTok page where she had changed the bio to, "Jab tak video viral hai maine ne ID off kar di hai (Till the time video is viral, I Although social media influencer Imsha Rehman is Pakistani, she has a massive following in India too. There's a spike in Imsha Rehman viral video search because the influencer has deactivated her social media accounts. The move from Pakistani TikTok star Imsha Rehman came after she found herself in hot water over her obscene video that went viral. Imsha Rehman is not the only influencer whose video has gone viral. An obscene video of a Pakistani influencer has been leaked online, making Rehman as the second influencer to her video leaked. According to local reports, Imsha Rehman was seen in a compromising position with a friend in the videos that were widely shared over WhatsApp and social media platforms like X and Instagram. The Imsha addressed about the viral video in her bio, saying, "Jab tak video viral hai maine ne ID off kar di hai." In October this year, Minahil Malik's intimate video went viral on social media. Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman faces severe trolling after explicit videos went viral due to a data breach. In response, she has deactivated her social media account, becoming another victim of Pakistani TikTok Viral Video: Imsha Rehman has unfortunately become a victim of a privacy breach. (Screengrab) After Minahil Malik, another Pakistani TikTok star, Imsha Rehman, has found herself in hot water after her explicit video went viral on social media. She is now facing the same backlash Malik received, with many accusing her of Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman is currently facing intense trolling after her explicit videos went viral on social media. Reacting to the
controversy, Imsha Rehman has deactivated her social media account. The TikToker became the new victim of privacy breach after her explicit videos went viral, being shared widely on WhatsApp. After the Social media influencer Imsha Rehman has recently deactivated her Instagram and TikTok accounts in response to a viral video that sparked widespread backlash online. This controversy has drawn attention to the challenges faced by digital personalities who live under the constant gaze of public scrutiny.
It is believed that the young star fell prey to a data breach, leading to her private video going viral on social media. According to a Pakistani publication, Imsha Rehman's video has been A screenshot shared by The Express Tribune showed Ms Rehman's TikTok page where she had changed the bio to, "Jab tak video viral hai maine ne ID off kar di hai (Till the time video is viral, I Although social media influencer Imsha Rehman is Pakistani, she has a massive following in India too. There's a spike in Imsha Rehman viral video search because the influencer has deactivated her social media accounts. The move from Pakistani TikTok star Imsha Rehman came after she found herself in hot water over her obscene video that went viral. Imsha Rehman is not the only influencer whose video has gone viral. An obscene video of a Pakistani influencer has been leaked online, making Rehman as the second influencer to her video leaked. According to local reports, Imsha Rehman was seen in a compromising position with a friend in the videos that were widely shared over WhatsApp and social media platforms like X and Instagram. The Imsha addressed about the viral video in her bio, saying, "Jab tak video viral hai maine ne ID off kar di hai." In October this year, Minahil Malik's intimate video went viral on social media. Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman faces severe trolling after explicit videos went viral due to a data breach. In response, she has deactivated her social media account, becoming another victim of Pakistani TikTok Viral Video: Imsha Rehman has unfortunately become a victim of a privacy breach. (Screengrab) After Minahil Malik, another Pakistani TikTok star, Imsha Rehman, has found herself in hot water after her explicit video went viral on social media. She is now facing the same backlash Malik received, with many accusing her of Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman is currently facing intense trolling after her explicit videos went viral on social media. Reacting to the
controversy, Imsha Rehman has deactivated her social media account. The TikToker became the new victim of privacy breach after her explicit videos went viral, being shared widely on WhatsApp. After the Social media influencer Imsha Rehman has recently deactivated her Instagram and TikTok accounts in response to a viral video that sparked widespread backlash online. This controversy has drawn attention to the challenges faced by digital personalities who live under the constant gaze of public scrutiny.