Content creator Kuye Adegoke, popularly known as Egungun of Lagos, has reacted to his viral explicit video which has sparked widespread online reactions. The video which began circulating on Monday morning, December 2, shows Egungun of Lagos on a video call with an unidentified woman while brushing his teeth. Popular Nigerian content creator, Egungun of Lagos's private video has surfaced on social media. The viral video was reportedly leaked by a lady Egungun of Lagos was having a secret affair with. Popular content creator, Kuye Adegoke, widely known as Egungun of Lagos, has broken silence following the leak of his private video showing him exposing himself during a video call with an The video, which has gone viral on social media, showed Egungun in a compromising position. In the footage, the social media personality was brushing his teeth while on a video call with an unidentified light-skinned woman. Egungun, who was dressed in shorts, then exposed his private parts to the lady on the call. Popular Nigerian content creator Kuye Adegoke, widely known as Egungun of Lagos, has reacted to his viral explicit video which has sparked widespread reactions on social media. ADVERTISEMENT Tuesday, December 3, 2024 EGUNGUN BRINGS YOU HAPPINESS WITH HIS LOVELY CONTENT ð¸ð¥subscribe for more videos , follow on all social media plaforms , turn on post notifications [-wATCH-]â Egungun of Lagos Casted Video Original Video Link Egungun of Lagos Casted Video Viral On Social Media X Trending Now. Egungun of Lagos Casted Original Video video took the internet by storm and amazed viewers on various social media platforms. Egungun of Lagos Casted, a young and talented digital creator, recently became famous 545.6K Likes, 3835 Comments. TikTok video from Egungun (@_egungunnn): "Hilarious moment when Egungun of Lagos interviewed @Shankcomics (CEO of Lit Gang)ð¥ Link in my bio #egungun". egungunoflagos. original sound - Egungun. Nigerian social media creator
Egungun of Lagos melted the hearts of many with his marriage proposal to his girlfriend as the video went viral online - A trending clip saw the funny moment Egungun hastily put the engagement ring into his woman's finger without asking the question until he was called to order by a colleague ; Days after a video of renowned Nigerian artist Wizkid snubbing famous skit maker Egungun at a club in Lagos, fans compare the act to that of Davido; A clip of the DMW boss receiving luxury brand influencer Ola of Lagos at his home in Lagos for him to analyze his Maybach trends
Content creator Kuye Adegoke, popularly known as Egungun of Lagos, has reacted to his viral explicit video which has sparked widespread online reactions. The video which began circulating on Monday morning, December 2, shows Egungun of Lagos on a video call with an unidentified woman while brushing his teeth. Popular Nigerian content creator, Egungun of Lagos's private video has surfaced on social media. The viral video was reportedly leaked by a lady Egungun of Lagos was having a secret affair with. Popular content creator, Kuye Adegoke, widely known as Egungun of Lagos, has broken silence following the leak of his private video showing him exposing himself during a video call with an The video, which has gone viral on social media, showed Egungun in a compromising position. In the footage, the social media personality was brushing his teeth while on a video call with an unidentified light-skinned woman. Egungun, who was dressed in shorts, then exposed his private parts to the lady on the call. Popular Nigerian content creator Kuye Adegoke, widely known as Egungun of Lagos, has reacted to his viral explicit video which has sparked widespread reactions on social media. ADVERTISEMENT Tuesday, December 3, 2024 EGUNGUN BRINGS YOU HAPPINESS WITH HIS LOVELY CONTENT ð¸ð¥subscribe for more videos , follow on all social media plaforms , turn on post notifications [-wATCH-]â Egungun of Lagos Casted Video Original Video Link Egungun of Lagos Casted Video Viral On Social Media X Trending Now. Egungun of Lagos Casted Original Video video took the internet by storm and amazed viewers on various social media platforms. Egungun of Lagos Casted, a young and talented digital creator, recently became famous 545.6K Likes, 3835 Comments. TikTok video from Egungun (@_egungunnn): "Hilarious moment when Egungun of Lagos interviewed @Shankcomics (CEO of Lit Gang)ð¥ Link in my bio #egungun". egungunoflagos. original sound - Egungun. Nigerian social media creator
Egungun of Lagos melted the hearts of many with his marriage proposal to his girlfriend as the video went viral online - A trending clip saw the funny moment Egungun hastily put the engagement ring into his woman's finger without asking the question until he was called to order by a colleague ; Days after a video of renowned Nigerian artist Wizkid snubbing famous skit maker Egungun at a club in Lagos, fans compare the act to that of Davido; A clip of the DMW boss receiving luxury brand influencer Ola of Lagos at his home in Lagos for him to analyze his Maybach trends