Apple By Russell Holly Sep. 22, 2014 11:28 am
While it may be easy for some of us to openly mock those who still use smartphones to make calls, it really is something that happens from time to time. The next big thing in phone calls right now is Voice over LTE, which is tech that not only allows you to be free of the dreaded 1XRTT voice networks, but enables simultaneous voice and data on carriers where this hadn’t previously been possible. Typically Verizon Wireless is one of those carriers, but the addition of Advanced Calling 1.0 changes that.
If you’re a Verizon Wireless customer with an iPhone 6, you might have noticed a button in the cellular settings on your shiny new phone that allows you to choose voice and data for your LTE usage. By default this setting is listed as data only, which is what everyone is used to. If you have access to VoLTE, you can flip that toggle to voice and data in order to take advantage of what should be improved call quality and the ability to use voice and data simultaneously. In order to activate this feature for Verizon, however, you must first head over to your account settings on the VZW website.
Locate Advanced Calling 1.0 on your account settings and enable it. This free feature will make it so any VoLTE capable phone attached to your account will be able to place calls over LTE. Once you have done this, you need to flip over to voice and data on your phone.
The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are the first of Apple’s hardware to support VoLTE, so if you’ve got an older iPhone this isn’t going to do you much good. Once you enable the feature, calls will immediately start routing over LTE.
In our tests, there’s a noticeable difference in both call quality and connectivity. The call connected to the other phone noticeably faster, and while the call quality wasimproved it wasn’t earth shatteringly better by any stretch. VoLTE isn’t a must have feature, but it’s a great step forward for call quality in general.
If you’re a Verizon Wireless customer with an iPhone 6, you might have noticed a button in the cellular settings on your shiny new phone that allows you to choose voice and data for your LTE usage. By default this setting is listed as data only, which is what everyone is used to. If you have access to VoLTE, you can flip that toggle to voice and data in order to take advantage of what should be improved call quality and the ability to use voice and data simultaneously. In order to activate this feature for Verizon, however, you must first head over to your account settings on the VZW website.
Locate Advanced Calling 1.0 on your account settings and enable it. This free feature will make it so any VoLTE capable phone attached to your account will be able to place calls over LTE. Once you have done this, you need to flip over to voice and data on your phone.
The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are the first of Apple’s hardware to support VoLTE, so if you’ve got an older iPhone this isn’t going to do you much good. Once you enable the feature, calls will immediately start routing over LTE.
In our tests, there’s a noticeable difference in both call quality and connectivity. The call connected to the other phone noticeably faster, and while the call quality wasimproved it wasn’t earth shatteringly better by any stretch. VoLTE isn’t a must have feature, but it’s a great step forward for call quality in general.