Top 10 Battlefield 4 Screenshots of the Week #1


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Our weekly series features the top 10 BF4 screenshots submitted by players from around the world.
We’ve got a brand new weekly series here on BF4Central called Top 10 Screenshots of the Week, where every Saturday, we feature the coolest, funniest, most awesome Battlefield 4 screenshots from the previous week. If you want to submit a screenshots, Tweet it to us at @BF4Central. Alternately, you can post links to screenshots in the comments section of this post, and we’ll do our best to include them next week!
[h=3]Top 10 Battlefield 4 screenshots of the week gallery[/h] Let us know which ones are your favorites in the comments section!
10: How to make sure they spot the ammo box (source)

9: Blowing up that crate never looked so good (source)

8: A present from the Commander

7: What happened to your gun, pal?

6: That’s not how you park a jeep (source)

5: …But this is a nice parking job

4: Close shave

3: Look mom, no hands!

2: Russian contractors…

1: This chopper is so hot, it burns underwater
