symbols and stuff



Panic co03

my rank is 22 in halo and i have to thank a few friends 4 that. but there was 1 thing that changed everything. i have this friend whos rank is 49 or 50 but the symbol is an esclipse. what is that? and u get have moons and full moons and coments,that is if ur rank is 45 and higher, anyway 4 everynoe in halo, we should get more people in this clan. its like it died out. and if any1 play r6 we should play some time. i also have gears of war so we can play that to. and 4 everyone who has an 360, make sure u get the new moh, ill try to het it. that should be fun, all of us playing moh. and most of all, make sure u get halo 3! hopefully there will b clans on there like halo 2. i wonder what symbols will they have on there...

ranks symbols 4 halo 2



i agree there are people in our halo clan, but very few of them come to the website, and i only know the ones that come here, i think that we should have only the people from the site be in the clan, just a thought