Show your gaming rigs here, what you play on or with. We currently have a 52 in. Sony Bravia 1080p HDTV, a 57 in. Sony 1080i HDTV, 2 white Xbox 360s, one Elite Xbox 360, one PS3, and two PSPs. As well as a wide assortment of accessories, 2 over $100 full headsets, Xbox webcam, PS3 bluetooth remote, the works.
Our Sony Bravia 52 in. 1080p HDTV, Elite, and PS3
Our Sony 57 in. 1080i HDTV
Now go post yours!!!
Our Sony Bravia 52 in. 1080p HDTV, Elite, and PS3
Our Sony 57 in. 1080i HDTV
Now go post yours!!!