Story by Stephany Nunneley
Fri, Aug 09, 2013 | 20:33 BST
Sony will not generate as large of a loss with PlayStation 4 as it did when it launched PlayStation 3, according to SCE CEO Andrew House.
Speaking in an investors meeting last week, and reported by Bloomberg, House told investors the pricing of PS4 will not cause as large of a loss as PS3 did at launch – the latter of which caused a $3 billion loss.
“We will not generate anything like the losses we did for the PlayStation 3,” House said, as investment in the system is “much, much smaller,” this time out, what with its PC-like architecture.
Still, Sony expects to report a loss in its game division next financial period due to currency exchange rate shifts.
Such looses will be offset in part by sales of PS4, but the firm no longer expects to break-even for the year, but expects earnings to “deteriorate significantly.”
Thanks, GI International.