well yea u heard it i just got a paper from playstation underground. Thing is u have to make a sony Playstation credit card. You can apply at www.sonyrewards.com/PS3 and be approved instantly and shop online at the site and they will give u 150 dollar credit for free OR you can apply at www.sony.com/PSCard and once u get your playstation Card, u can use it to purchase a PS3 with 150 dollar free credit on the card and buy from sonyrewards.com or sonystyle.com. Well yea this applys to the 80gb and 160 gb system. 350 dollards for 160 gb(comes with a free game, Uncharted
rakes fortune)and 250 for 80 gb model with no game. This is a good deal for christmas time and the 80 gb is ONLY 250! Best PS3 deal i seen in forever. if u need more info respond here or PM me.holysheep