Hi there Sony Ps3 Support. I have had my Ps3 since August of 2008 and everything has been perfect up till yesterday. I turned on my Ps3 and tried pressing the HOME button to get my controller started. It would not turn on, the red lights didn't even flash. So, I hooked it up to the USB cable and it started working. I took note that the controller had full battery and didn't need charging so I unplugged the controller and tried once more to play without the cable. Again, the Ps3 controller had no lights on and it just stopped and refused to work without the USB cable. It doesn't need charging and I haven't done anything to it. Please try to help me out. I don't want to be playing 2 feet in front of the TV screen with my controller plugged in the whole time...
this is what i sent to sony.
this is what i sent to sony.