Well it's been decades since the Korean War and since, we have seen NK kill South Koreans on two occasions.. If we look at the situation from a Cold War perspective, crossing the 38th parallel from South to North is like what walking from West Berlin to East Berlin was like. They are nearly two opposite Worlds with one similarity, a population devoted to it's leaders.
When it comes down to the possibility of the missile being nuclear, population really isn't all that much of a threat. China is done baby sitting the NK and frankly in the hands of a man in his twenties, NK could be heading for it's ultimate Untergang! "Downfall."
When it comes down to the possibility of the missile being nuclear, population really isn't all that much of a threat. China is done baby sitting the NK and frankly in the hands of a man in his twenties, NK could be heading for it's ultimate Untergang! "Downfall."