Make a humorous
[COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]crank[/COLOR][/COLOR] phone call
Moon or flash someone
Pie someone
Play spin the bottle
Put condoms in other peoples' carts and follow them to the checkout and watch their expressions when they
[COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]discover[/COLOR][/COLOR] what was in their cart
Read a dirty book
Rearrange the letters on the marquee outside an elementary school so they spell we eat children!
Rent a car for a day, pay buy
[COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]cash[/COLOR][/COLOR] only and have fun with it.
Run through the forest with only your boots on and someone exciting
Run down your street in your underwear in the middle of the night
Secretly rip out the last page of a book your friend is reading, but leave a note indicating where they can find it.
See how many people you can hug or kiss while you are out
Sneakily get the eggs from someone's refrigerator and hard-boil them all. Then put them back where you found them.
Stick your tongue out at someone
Sunbathe in the nude
Take toilet paper from the pub bathroom and go crazy
Try to get a cop to handcuff you for no reason
Use CB logo when ordering pizza
Write "sexual favors" in the memo space on your checks
Write to your high school French teacher and reveal the crush that you once had on them. Remind them that you are now legal