Yeah....I totally dont have internet at my but yeah you need the original D2 or you can buy the Diablo battle chest. It includes Diablo, Diablo 2 and expansion character guide and game guide and catalog. Its different from your usual games such as shoot em up this game is basically a mix between Drakonguard ( a game where ALL you do is be dropped into a situation and have to fight thousends of people at a time) and some sort of magic and sword but the best part of the game it is completely gory...You would be good at it because its hard not to be all you need is some common sense and a good understanding of whats better than what you have. As I said I dont have internet but when I do my name will be (this may shock a few) DMRoyal1Wun. Yeah wunce I get it I will expand us into it as a chill back game not competitive.