Crytek invite you to name one of Ryse’s Quick Time Event fin


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Mon, Sep 09, 2013 | 02:47 BST
Tweet [h=1]Crytek invite you to name one of Ryse’s Quick Time Event finishers[/h] Have you ever wondered what it would be like to name a finishing move in Ryse: Son of Rome?

Well firstly, that’s an odd thing to be wondering about but secondly, your opportunity has finally arrived for a second time, courtesy of a cross promotion with Gamestop.
The move in question is showcased in the short video above, with the colour coded also does a good job of reminding you what a weird line Ryse is walking, gameplay wise.
Most of the Youtube comments seem to be going for puns on “ARMy” and “LEGion”, however since it’ll probably be unspoken, uncapitalised text in-game, I doubt that’s a sure road to getting your name picked.
If nothing else, trying to come up with a name for this kinda standard dual mutilation (how’s that for a sentence) has gotten me thinking how hard it must be write a hundred even semi-decent puns. If you want to enter one, the hashtag is #RyseMove2. You can also win a copy of the game, a poster and a shirt if you’re keen.
Ryse comes out on November 22 alongside the Xbox One.
0 Posted in: Action, Microsoft, Xbox One
Tags: gamestop, Ryse: Son of Rome

