BC2 Saturday GB changes!




Well broskis! Spades's internet router started beeping in unison to the song "Another one bites the dust," meaning that his internet is down for the week. Currently there is a large GB scheduled for this coming Saturday! This will still take place!

Notice: Gents, our last GB was a total disaster, in which case blame is not important. Brushing it off and moving onward is. I never want to see someone leave in the middle of a GB announced, when nobody else is on.. again! We give very fair notice ahead of time and to not check up on the GB match list is beyond me. I understand you all have lives, hell I do too but just give us notice so then we can re-schedule please. Aside from that lets brush off our helmets, gain some more responsibility and get back in the fight!

Battleplan for Saturday, ALL OUT HELL! I want us to fight like a fine-tuned squad! Therefore I want everyone on Friday night so we can crank out their BC2's and get on for some conquest practice. Begin to familiarize yourselves with crucial ambush points in which you can mow down instead of surpress the enemies! Wooded areas and rocks are not put into the game to look like elegant centerpieces that belong on your Grandma's dinner table! Use them to your benefit. As far as Filisalot, Pure, and I go we will be flying attack and transport sorties via helicopter. We're going to give em hell where it hurts! Understood!?!

Helpful tool: Here is a link to a spot where you can draw arrows and symbols on the maps and get some nice strategies going! Let us know what you think! Simply make an account>go to war room> and get strategizing peeps! We can do this! SEMPER FI AND OOHRAH!
Lastly, as a way to inspire you guys, take a look at this clip. This is how we should be fighting! Pay close attention to the final words, PLAY THIS GAME LIKE MEN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_HFCYz4x6o