Battlefield 4 experiencing DDoS attacks on PC servers


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The game is currently experiencing DDoS attacks on PC game servers and infrastructure.

If crashes and freezes weren’t enough for Battlefield 4 at the moment, developer DICE has confirmed that the game is experiencing DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks on its PC game servers.
DICE revealed via the official forums that the PC server infrastructure is under a DDoS attack, which causes random server crashes and interruptions. The crashes seem to appear random and peaked yesterday.
The attacks seem to affect not just game servers but some Battlelog features such as players stats, where stats are saved/recorded after rounds.
Yesterday we heard reports of Battlefield 4 crashing on the PlayStation 4, which appears more widespread that we originally thought — more reports are appearing on the official forums, and we’ve yet to hear on DICE on that particular issue.
Last week, DICE released the first Battlefield 4 patch to PC gamers, and reports so far are mixed. Some players are reporting that nothing changed, some say it’s gotten better, others say it’s gotten worse. What most tend to agree with though, is that performance seems to be improved, with increased FPS.
DICE has confirmed that they’re working to resolve the DDoS issue, in addition to working on a new server update which should go live next week.
