We at DeMon Gaming are proud to present an inFAMOUS Titanfall of a give-away....open to all forum members with 3+months membership. Tintanfall will release on PC, Xbox One and Xbox 360 coming out March 11.
For our Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 members we will give-away inFAMOUS Second Son coming out March 21.
So you can post as much and as many times as you want.
Must be an active member for the last 3+months....that's it....if you just joined within last 3months then stick around as there will be more giveaways.
1) Spam posts DO NOT COUNT, so don't bother being captain spammy pants. If the post that is selected is a spammy post, I'll draw again. Make those posts count, Lurkers.
2) Release date delivery is only guaranteed in the US. I can't account for shipping speeds elsewhere.
The week of March 4th...I will use a random number generator to look up that post ID in the database after today's date.
Just no double or triple postings....if any they will be deleted. The Contest ends March 4 so then I will need shipping details and have it sent to your address in time for release day arrival.
This is only the start of the giveaways...so start posting, turd's....and Good luck.