
  1. OUTL4W

    Fantasy Baseball: Running Over a Good Trade

    I don’t know what players were involved in the trade these two men agreed on here, but they both seem happy with it. Photo courtesy of Svenska Cellulosa Much like real contending baseball teams, fantasy contenders everywhere are trying to figure out if they can make one or two final trades for...
  2. Blokhead

    Just got Mac OS X running on my laptop

    Hey all, I'm sure nobody cares about this, but I thought I'd let you guys know I got a copy of Mac OS X running on my HP G60 laptop now haha. There's a few things I have to tune-up like the wifi drivers and the resolution in the boot.plist file, but all in all, it works like a charm! Proof below
  3. DM CptReilly

    Movie Review: Running Scared

    My cousin told me to watch this movie Running Scared bc he said it was a great movie. It's kind of like a mob action movie about a low-level mob guy whose job is to dispose of guns after they are used to kill ppl. Well after a drug deal gone bad, a cop gets killed, and he is told to get rid of...