
  1. DM Deathrow

    User Profiles Return

    User Profiles are now accessible to use now. Before there were flaws in the script from old mods, but I've seemed to store it back to normal. Previously, User Profiles were accessible on the Nightmare style, but now that style is scrapped so this one will be a temporary until I work on a new...
  2. DirtyBurgers

    Return of DirtyBurgers

    Wow, so its been like a year and a half. I can't remember anyone so bear with me in this dark time. holysheep
  3. DM ToRNaDo412

    PSN to fully return Friday

  4. DM FlyMEXboy

    The return of the RidDl3r

    yo wat up guys I know I been gone for a while and said i won't come back untill I got my grade up, but I thought thats gonna take till the end of january and i don't want to wait that long. So..... i was wondering if DM will take me back. It doesn't matter what game as long as i can play with my...