
  1. OUTL4W

    Free Taco from Taco Bell

    If someone in the world series steals a base, everyone in America will win a free taco from taco bell at participating resturants. (lol resturants, if that's what you call a taco bell) Go to a Taco Bell on OCT 30th, between 2-5pm to get ur free taco. I know my ::blunt friends will...
  2. DM Major Meat

    Free Drinks for Halloween

    Thats right fellas....get Wasted on Halloween for FREE!! Here is how its done :thumbup(1): - Underneath your costume & some surgical hose from your mouth to your finger tip, (suggest wearing long creapy nails). - Walk around the Club or event you are at, stick your...
  3. OUTL4W

    Google's New FREE 411 Service

    For those of us Demons who are old enough to have our own cell phones, we know that paying $2.50 to call 411 is just plain stupid and a waste of money. Thanks to Google Labs, we now have a FREE alternative. So fuck you T-Mobile, Sprint, and Cingular! To access it simply call 1-800-GOOG-411...
  4. Y

    Get your FREE PHP forum

    Welcome to yourPHPforum! YourPHPforum is designed to help people make their online communities (Forums) without knowing the complicated server installations and paying the hosting fees. Be the boss of your online community (Forum) and share the fun among your friends and families. Sign UP at...