
  1. D


    admins dont deleted this my emails being gay and might not save this so yea anyways i have to write a stupid essay over break and heres the first part. feel free to comment/ contribute. its a very shitty intro because im lazy: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html...
  2. DM Deathrow

    Revise my Essay

    Due to request, people wanted to proof read my essay. please do so. 2-3 pages long MLA typed The First One Hundred Days Yet another eight years has come. We are at our 44th president. Our new president is named Barack Obama, the first to be a black...
  3. DM Yo SupA MaN

    Essay help!

    hey i got a essay due next week and i was wondering if ya can help me edit diz and help me improve it is.. Dropping the Atomic Bomb President Truman made the right decision of dropping the Atomic Bomb as it would save us more money, save soldiers life’s and made...