
  1. OUTL4W

    Fez 2 has been cancelled, according to Phil Fish

    Add to My News Story by Stephany Nunneley Sat, Jul 27, 2013 | 20:14 BST Fez 2 has been cancelled, according to a statement handed to Joystiq by Phil Fish. The news was originally posted via Twitter with the statement: “It’s with a heavy heart that we announce that FEZ 2 has been cancelled...
  2. DMW4L MeatsGirl

    Mom Cancelled my WOW account!

    OMG LMFAO!!!!! Wonder if Bryton would act this way!!!! LMFAO! MG::blunt
  3. OUTL4W

    April Awards Cancelled!

    Yup its true, we have decided to cancel the awards this month. Why? because over this past week of nominations we only got a single response. That's one person out of close to 40 DMs. Not too great. So maybe next month if we get a better response we will do it then.